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Why & How to Create Long-Form Content in 2022

Why & How to Create Long-Form Content

You may argue that the phrase ‘content is king’ sounds cliché.

But, it stands true even in 2022.

The truth is content is a broad term and can take many forms, such as blogs, infographics, videos, and social media posts.

However, textual content in blog format remains to be the most popular.

And for that, long-format content remains to be a significant aspect of the digital world.

Let’s talk about long-form content and why you should go for it.


Benefits of Long-form Content

As the name implies, long-form content refers to a piece of writing relatively longer and more detailed than usual.

However, the term can take different definitions when it comes to length.

Some SEO experts say that a writing piece between 1,000 to 7,500 words comes under the umbrella of long-form content.

On the other hand, others say a short story of around 1000-1200 words or a novelette of about 17,000-18,000 words both are forms of long-form content.

You may wonder why there is a need to produce detailed content when short-form content can also get you traffic.

The truth is that in-depth content has many benefits.

Listed below are a few:


1. Provides More Space to Add Photos

Who likes reading pages and pages of text devoid of any visuals?

The answer is almost no one.

The more text you will have, the more space you can dedicate to make your writing piece visually appealing.

While it is great to add photos to your content, you must double-check the relevancy and quality of the images.

Remember, irrelevant, poor placement, and low-quality photos can negatively impact your website’s performance.

Always take the photos from a credible source and if it demands, give credit to the photographer.

You can also purchase authentic and high-quality images from various sites online.


2. It Offers More Backlink Opportunities

Relevant backlinks help your website rank higher in search engines.

In a study, HubSpot concluded that websites with content exceeding 2,500 words earned more links.

When you have more content on a page, you have more reasons to integrate links.

You give them a reason to mention you wherever they can by doing so in goodwill.

Furthermore, it allows you to foster new partnerships and acquire more referrals.


3. It Allows You to Tell a Story

Do you want to introduce your product or service without appearing salesy?

Telling stories is the key.

Reports show that audiences react positively to the brand that tells them good stories.

Long-form content allows brands to create a good story with suitable characters to promote their product.

If the account is relatable, brands succeed in evoking the desired emotions and achieving their objectives.

So, what do you do?

Create a story that your audiences will find relatable.

Subtly explain how it can benefit customers’ lives and convey your message.

Your audience will be intrigued by your offers and will likely become your customers.


4. Long-form Content Improves Users’ Engagement

When your website has in-depth content, it will automatically have a higher user engagement—provided that the content is original and of super quality.

Shorter content conveys the message in a few words and does not require users to spend much time on your page.

But when you produce long-form content, it triggers more queries, resulting in more comments.

Plus, they spend more time reading the blog you published.

The good part is that captivated readers will be more inclined to check out your other pages.

Hence, it will improve user engagement.


5. It Enhances Customers’ Loyalty

We understand that the constant shifting of customers’ loyalty is one of the pressing issues of the present times.

Since today customers have more choices, they easily jump to other alternatives.

Brands are facing the problem of customers drifting away.

Well, the solution lies within long-form content.

Invest in educational content.

Enlighten your customers about how your product makes their life easier.

Share your expertise, empower your readers, and they will not look towards your competitors no matter what they offer.


6. It Marks Your Authenticity

Establish yourself as an authentic brand.

The internet is flooded with content, and the competition is intense.

To mark your identity as a trustworthy brand, create long-form content and win readers’ trust.

Detailed content generally contains valuable information.

When readers land on your page and receive their answers, they walk away with a good impression of your brand.

Besides, when users read a good piece of writing offering value, they share it on their social media handles.

Hence, it gives you more exposure.


7. Detailed Content Enhances Your Website’s SEO

Don’t you want a top position in SERP?

All website owners do.

Lengthy posts can match more search items and appear higher in the results.

Keywords are crucial for SEO and detailed content helps you rank for several of them.

It allows you to add more headings, images, videos, and text.

Thus, you get a chance to add keyphrases multiple times without stuffing the content.

Moreover, search engines reward websites that have a higher engagement time.

Users spend more time on long-form content, which consequently, improves your ranking.

According to a study, most articles that appear on the initial pages of Google contain up to 2,000 words.

So, create detailed content in the form of guides, case studies, and tutorials to boost your webpage’s SEO.


How to Create Long-form Content?

There is no denying the benefits long-form content can have for your online marketing.

However, you must keep in mind that readers do not appreciate fluff.

You should look to provide value on each page and avoid unnecessary information.

Let’s delve into pointers that can help you create detailed and reader-friendly content.


1. Learn What Your Readers Want to Read About

Give your readers what they want.

Take surveys, conduct research, or interview people.

Get an insight into your reader’s expectations.

When your target customers find what they are looking for, they dedicate their time and thoroughly check your blog.

Long-form content should align with your target customers’ notions.

Otherwise, it will not serve the purpose.


2. Start With a Crisp Introduction

A catchy phrase, a meaningful quote, or a mind-boggling statistic catches readers’ attention almost immediately.

Readers will continue reading the rest of the text only if you manage to catch their attention in the introduction.

Just like how listeners snap speakers’ abilities in the first thirty seconds of speech, the introduction of a written piece does the same job.

Keep your target audience in mind while forming content.

The opening sentences will give your readers a picture of the writing style, the depth of the written piece, the validity of your findings, and overall blog quality.

An introduction is a deciding factor if a reader wants to continue reading or open a new window.

Also, keep the introduction short.

You do not have to give a summary of a whole written piece in the opening lines.


3. Write Comprehensible Content

What is the purpose of writing long forms of text when readers cannot understand it?

Comprehensible content wins readers’ trust and turns them into customers.

Remember, you need to convey your message, and it should be in the language that your target audience understands.

Fancy vocabulary may make the content charming and exquisite.

But if your audience fails to comprehend, it won’t bring results.


4. Section The Content Off in Paragraphs

Long-form content is acceptable only if they are divided into proper paragraphs.

A lengthy text form with no breaks gives a dull first impression.

Instead of grabbing users’ attention, it turns them away.

Write headings and use an appropriate font.

Dividing content with H1, H2, and H3 headings, using bullets, and proper text alignment makes the written piece appealing to readers’ eyes.


5. Use Conversational Tone

Let’s admit it: nobody likes to be dictated.

Also, hardly anyone appreciates reading text in a professor-delivering-a-lecture tone.

Instead, a conversational tone with daily usage of words catches readers’ attention.

Keep your style simple and write the content as if you are directly speaking to the users.

Moreover, when you use complex terms, explain them in a creative manner to deliver the message.

Also, do not hold back on details.

A conversational tone makes the lengthy text easy to read, thus, increasing readability.


6. Get Innovative With Different Formats

The best part about website content is there is no right or wrong.

So be innovative and try different ideas.

Your readers might have gotten bored of reading the same form of content, and they may appreciate a little change.

If nobody in your industry has ever written content in a dialogue form, be a trendsetter and write one piece.

Change fonts and format to bring new ideas to the table.

Your intended audience might like your innovation and decide to stick around.

While you are encouraged to be creative while forming long-form content, keep your target audience in mind.


7. Add Images, Gifs, And Videos

Supplement your content with appropriate visuals such as images, videos, GIFs, and memes to make your content engaging.

The good thing is that multimedia content does not look monotonous.

So, you can try out different formats for versatility.

They are also helpful in conveying the message when words fail.

So, make your long-form content enjoyable by giving it a flavor of multimedia.


Final Words

To sum it up, long-form content can up your marketing game and put you out there in the open.

Create detailed content, but avoid unnecessary details and cut down on fancy vocabulary.

The easier readers can engage with your content, the more people it’s going to reach.

Apply the above tips and you will reap the benefits. Good luck!

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